Active Tickets

This page is a working place for both users and the support technicians. It displays tickets, grouped by categories for your convenience. The grid refreshes automatically, checking for new tickets in the background.

Important: this page displays only the tickets you are permitted to view, that is - tickets you submitted, tickets you're handling (if any), etc.

If the helpdesk administrator has granted you the permission to handle tickets in some categories, you will see all tickets in a category on this page. If you are the administrator - you can see all tickets in the helpdesk ticketing system.

Click a category to see a list of tickets in that category. SHIFT + Click a category to filter by multiple categories at once

Optionally you can use the toolbar:

see only active (unclosed) tickets, or tickets you submitted, or tickets, which are assigned to you (tickets you are handling), or all tickets (including the closed ones).

Merging and linking tickets

The ticket-list page also allows merging and linking tickets. To merge two or more tickets - select them in the list then click the "merge" link. The tickets will be merged into one.

To "link" similar tickets to each other - select them and click "link" (linked tickets will be displayed int the "related tickets" section when you open them).

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